In this article we discuss bigoli with duck, one of the most famous and appreciated first courses in the entire Veneto region.
Bigoli with duck are one of the most typical dishes of Vicenza cuisine, simply prepared with soft wheat, eggs, water and salt. They have the shape of large spaghetti, but not holed, traditionally worked by grandmothers with the bronze press, also called bigolaro press, which was patiently turned by hand while a girl sat on it to hold it still.
Its main feature is that of retaining sauces and condiments, thanks to its roughness, which is given to it by the type of preparation. “Boiled Arna and round bigolo in the evening happy with the world” is the Vicenza proverb that describes the history of these large spaghetti, authentic protagonists of traditional Venetian cuisine.
In fact, before the advent of egg pasta kneading machines, rolling pins and the press were the real protagonists alongside the stoves and the hearth of Venetian families. Each kitchen table provided two dwellings under the shelf, one for the rolling pin and the other for the long and narrow cutting board on which to work the ingredients.
Each family had a small supply of eggs available for most of the year, collected in the Punaro day after day, and stored in straw or lime baskets during lean periods. The scent of that hand-rolled pasta has remained in the memory of many, and is considered a precious asset to be kept in the drawer of memories.
The traditional recipe calls for bigoli to be cooked in the fat broth in which the new duck was boiled, when it is between 60-90 days. Once ready, bone the duck with a knife and cut the pulp into small pieces.
Chop an onion and brown it in a large saucepan with a few tablespoons of oil. Add the duck pulp, salt, pepper and perfume with sage leaves and sprigs of rosemary. Deglaze with half a glass of white wine and continue cooking over low heat for about an hour. When the sauce is ready, cook the bigoli in salted water, drain and season by tossing them in a pan for a minute with the duck sauce.
- Info for bigoli with duck:
400 g bigoli
½ clean duck
1 onion
White wine
Salt, pepper, oil, sage and rosemaryIndications:
Execution: Medium
Preparation: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 75 min
Doses for: 4 people
How to prepare the bigoli: pour the flour on the pastry board, add the softened butter, the eggs and a pinch of salt. Knead by hand and if necessary add the milk to obtain a fairly firm dough. Work it with the bigolaro, through which you will pass the pasta so as to reduce it into the typical bigoli. Spread them on a floured tablecloth and let them dry before cooking.
- Ingredients:
500 g flour
50 g of butter
4 eggs
Milk and salt
Above all emerge the numerous Palladian villas and the sumptuous palaces.
The Veneto Region, nestled in the north-east of Italy, is a mix of history and traditions and, all of it, is enriched by the liveliness of its inhabitants and by a wide range of typical products all to be savored. From the highest peaks of the Dolomites, he embraces and welcomes each visitor with brotherly warmth, accommodating him among the many lounges of his cities of art, giving him unforgettable emotions. Turning between the pages of this site, you can organize your next holidays in the Veneto region and thanks to the many photos published, everything will be very simple.
In this chapter we discuss Sport, that is, from the easiest sports activities for families to the most complex and demanding ones.
In this chapter we discuss the incredible world of Venetian cuisine, from the typical local products to the recipes typical of our mothers.
In this chapter we discuss the Nature that surrounds us, a territory rich in biodiversity and particularly fragile, therefore absolutely to be respected.
In this chapter we discuss the history which, over time, has transformed, shaped and marked the territory of the Veneto region.